edu-sharing auf dem OERcamp – aber innerhalb des JOINTLY-Workshops…
2. Mai 2017
edu-sharing auf dem OER-Festival in Berlin
24. November 2017edu-sharing at 2nd World OER Congress
Find our edu-sharing NETWORK members and partners at the 2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress (18-20 September 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Meet our edu-sharing UX designer Tobias Westphal at a stand in the exhibition zone of the congress. The stand has 2 subjects:
1. OER cooperation activities in Germany
The project JOINTLY supports German OER cooperation activities i.e.:
- Concepts and materials for OER training
- OER policy
- Legal questions
- technologies and software tools for OER
2. open source technologies for OER
- OER repository and referatory software (edu-sharing)
- OER plugins / extensions for Learning Management Systems (Moodle, ILIAS, OLAT, Stud.IP, OPAL)
- OER plugins / extensions for authoring software and other E-Learning tools such as wikis (Mediawiki, Tutory, Memucho)
- OER services which can be used by LMS, authoring and other tools and repositories / referatories
- Metadata editor, metadata generators (i.e. CC-Stamper to „print“ license metadata into images)
- License wizards (i.e. CC-Mixer to find the right CC license)
- Curriculum collections
- OER infrastructure concepts (project wiki in German)
Search #hack4OER on Twitter to find OER software tools updates
OER Song will be published at the conference
On the margins of JOINTLY cooperation workshops an OER song has been produced which we publish officially at the congress.